WBAFSA aims to empower youth players to reach their full potential on and off the field.
2025 Spring/Summer Registration is now OPEN! Click Here Registration will close end of day on Sunday, February 16th.
THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20th: 10U and up PITCHER/CATCHER TRYOUTS: Tryouts for Pitchers and Catchers will take place over two days at the White Bear North Field House. Pitchers and catchers must attend the position specific tryout on the 20th, as well as general tryouts on the 23rd.
Sessions will begin at 6:30 PM. Please arrive at the following time based on age level:
6:30 PM: 10U Pitcher/Catcher Tryouts
8:00 PM: 12U/14U/16U Pitcher/Catcher Tryouts
ALL pitchers and catchers will need to complete uniform sizing before or after tryouts. Sizing is available from 6-8 PM on both days of tryouts.
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23rd: 10U and up UTILITY/GENERAL TRYOUTS: These tryouts are for all players and will begin at 4:30 PM. Please arrive at the following time based on age level:
4:30 PM: 12U/14U Tryouts
5:30 PM: 10U Tryouts
8:00 PM: 16U Tryouts
10U and up players will need to complete their uniform fitting before or after their tryout. Players are required to try on sample uniforms to ensure correct sizing. If you cannot attend, please contact Dawn Coudron.
8U players uniform fittings will take place during the 10-14U pitcher/catcher tryouts at North Campus Gymnasium on Thursday, February 20th, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Please stop by anytime during these hours for a fitting. If you cannot attend, please contact Dawn Coudron
Save the Date: Advanced 8U Skills Evaluation
Date: Sunday, March 2nd
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM
If your child is 8 years old and interested in joining the Advanced 8U League, please register for 8U. After the skills evaluation, additional fees will apply if your child is placed on the Advanced 8U team.
To express interest and confirm age eligibility, please email Joni Joy.
THURSDAY MARCH 20TH 6:00-8 pm: Coaches Meeting- All Head Coaches are required to attend this meeting. Assistant Coaches are also welcome. If you're interested in coaching, please fill out an application here.
TUESDAY MARCH 25TH 6:00pm - 8 pm: Parent/Player Meeting: This meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 PM. During this time, you will pick up your fundraising candy bars, and the WBAFSA Board will discuss the upcoming season and any changes. We look forward to sharing updates for the 2025 Season!
WBAFSA Board Position is still available
At Large Member: New position helping with what is needed to run the Association. We would love to get a Parent to represent a voice for the 10U Age level!
Click HERE to fill out an application!