WBAFSA aims to empower youth players to reach their full potential on and off the field.
We want to announce that the following WBAFSA Board Positions are still available as of 9/6/2024
If you are interested in applying for one of the positions, you must fill out and submit an application (click here) by 12pm on Sunday September 29th.
The following are up for renewal or are new positions:
Equipment Director: Full Term (2 year opening, current position holder not renewing their term)
At Large Member: New position helping with what is needed to run the association.
Annual 8U Game- picture contains 8U-14U players
Next Board Meeting will be on October 22nd from 6-8pm. District center
If an association member has an agenda item for the meeting, would like to speak, or present something, please email the board secretary at least 7 days before the meeting (per WBAFSA ByLaws).
Use this form to submit your WB Fastpictch Team's Photos for posting on Social Media. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSda-TEPVHj67vZ0dngOj1fCQNUmpDJz9bjoVrTEEkcyPiAu-A/viewform